Dr. Angela Carlson Blog | Category: Metabolic
All You Needed To Know About Intermittent Fasting And Why It Works
Intermittent fasting is a very popular fitness trend nowadays. Studies show that it helps you to not only lose weight and stay fit, but it can also positively impact your life and even make your life longer. Bright Side decided to do some research on this topic and figure out what intermittent fasting is and
Keto Diet 101 : Everything You Need To Know About This Eating Plan
Many different versions of low-carb diets have come and gone over the past several decades, but one carb-restrictive diet that’s been around for generations and is garnering significant attention today is the ketogenic diet. Far from a fad diet, the keto diet has actually been practiced safely since the 1920s, when it was first used
Paleo vs Keto: Similarities, Differences + Which Is Best For You
The Paleo diet and the Ketogenic diet have both gained extreme popularity in recent years for their acclaimed ability to promote weight loss, fat reduction, improved metabolism, and numerous other benefits. While there are a lot of overlapping similarities between the two, Paleo and Keto each have their own unique purpose that, at times, can
A Guide To Alcoholic Drinks For The Gluten-Free Dieter
When you’re eliminating gluten, it’s important to consider which alcoholic drinks you will incorporate into your diet. You may not have considered how much gluten there is in alcohol yet, but it can really affect your exposure to gluten. Any beverages made from wheat, barley, or rye contain gluten, as do malted alcoholic beverages made
Inflammation And Your Immune System
The word inflammation comes from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire. In the context of our immune system, heat, redness, pain and swelling form as a reaction to either injury, or a perceived threat in the body. If you’ve ever hit your thumb with a hammer, you can see how inflammation normally occurs. In
Why Eating Out Can Be Bad For Your Health And What To Do About It
One of the toughest parts about eating healthy is avoiding restaurant traps. Eating out is necessary for people who travel often or have an active social life that requires meeting for meals. And while eating at a restaurant can require careful planning…