Holistic Naturopathic Medical Approach To Heart Health

Heart Disease

Your risk of heart disease includes a range of risk factors and issues that impacts your heart, including blood vessel deterioration, obesity, and overall inflammation. 

Are you struggling with high cholesterol and really concerned about your heart health?

Are you currently taking statins for high cholesterol?

Are you tired of being told you are still in the danger zone but the medication is only helping marginally?

Are you also struggling with weight loss and feeling fatigue, but not sure what to do about it?

Perhaps you are looking for a more proactive approach to your heart health?

New Findings And What Impacts Heart Health

For years red meat and fat where to “blame” for heart health. While they can play a part, new scientific research has uncovered many other factors that were never considered an issue that play a big part in the health equation of your heart. Recent studies have shown that a diet high in inflammatory foods especially sugar and white processed carbohydrates, regular alcohol consumption, genetic factors, lack of exercise, allowing stress free rein, and exposure to environmental toxins are factors in heart attack risks.

The Conventional Approach To Heart Health

When it comes to heart health it’s no longer just about having “good” cholesterol numbers, there are so many other areas that must be assessed. In fact, 77% of heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol levels!

A standard lipid panel only predicts about 50% of those that will go on to have a heart attack or stroke, suggesting that 50% of those with normal cholesterol levels are at risk. Measuring both systemic inflammation and inflammation within artery walls can help identify this “hidden risk.” 

Unfortunately, many people don’t receive the correct testing and guidance, and experience a heart attack or a stroke as their first sign of underlying disease. 

The Functional Medicine Approach To Heart Health

It is estimated that 90% of cardiovascular disease is preventable, but it is a multi-factorial problem that can only be treated with a whole-body approach that focuses on inflammation, blood sugar, insulin control, nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and environmental toxin exposure and all the things Dr. Angela covers in her comprehensive programs.

Unlike with the conventional approach, risk of heart attack and stroke can be lowered drastically without medication, once we understand what your specific risk factors are by using more comprehensive testing.  Some of this testing includes advanced lipid testing which shows the number of atherogenic (dangerous) particles and the size of these particles. Other tests for specific vitamins, fatty acids, and metabolites, as well as genetic markers also provide valuable information that will impact your healing protocol. 

This evaluation can be used to catch the beginning stages of cardiovascular disease or other issues so that you can receive the care you need along with  specific lifestyle changes that Dr. Angela helps her clients adopt.

How do you know if you are at risk or what your level of risks are? Here are some of the risks factors that you should consider, but testing is required to show all the factors.

Risk Factors

  • Obesity
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • A diet high in process sugars and processed fats
  • Family History/ Genetics
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • High cholesterol / lipids
  • Homocysteine levels
  • High Fibrinogen (blood clotting factor)
  • Lp(a) (how cholesterol, fats and proteins are transported in your blood)
  • Inflammation Levels

Take The First Step On Your

Journey Back To Health

Do you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client? Apply for a complimentary 15 minute Strategy Call with Dr. Angela Carlson, ND to see if functional medicine is helpful for your case.

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