My Approach - Holistic Naturopathic Doctor Las Vegas

Are You Ready To Lead A More

Vibrant Life?

Let’s transform your health with a personalized game plan to address your chronic wellness challenges so you can finally heal and live life to its fullest!

Tired Of Seeing Doctor After Doctor,
And Still Not Feeling Better?

Have you been dealing with chronic health issues seemingly forever?

Do feel like you’ve literally “tried everything” and are tired of seeing provider after provider, and yet still not feeling any better?

We see this all the time – people just like you who have been from doctor to doctor… yet not getting the answers why they aren’t feeling right.

And we want you to know that healing is possible… when you partner with the right provider that’s asking the right questions so that you can finally get to the root of what is causing your symptoms. Together we can pinpoint the specific imbalances that need to be addressed to get you finally back on track living the rich and vibrant life you deserve.

This type of approach is not commonplace, and that’s likely the reason why you may have struggled needlessly until now.

When we work together, we will create a personalized action plan incorporating lifestyle modifications, nutritional & mindset coaching along with appropriate pharmaceutical-grade supplements to restore your body’s innate healing potential.

Rather than matching symptoms with a diagnosis, our in-depth evaluation, and advanced lab testing will give us a much more complete picture of what triggered your specific physiological imbalances that caused your symptoms in the first place.

After you will follow our Roadmap, a unique approach to helping women regain their energy and finally address many of the blindspots that have been missing from their care.

Here are a number of chronic conditions that benefit from this type of approach:

Autoimmune Conditions (IBD, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Hashimoto’s Disease, Celiac’s, Crohn’s)

Digestive Disorders (GERD, heartburn, IBS, SIBO, Candidiasis, Leaky Gut)

Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, High Cholesterol, Pre-diabetes

Energy Issues, Stress & Chronic Pain (Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Issues, Fibromyalgia etc)

Hormonal Imbalances (Feeling “tired & wired”, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Adrenal Imbalances, Painful Periods, PCOS, Mood Swings, Acne)

Why Partner With A Functional Medicine Practitioner?

Caring for your health properly is so much more than just the basics of eating right and exercising. With current medical research, we have discovered that the body is a complex collection of organs and systems and even bacterial colonies (the microbiome) that greatly impact each other.

While the standard of care hasn’t quite “caught up” yet with most of the current science, conventional doctors and “specialists” are still treating parts of the body separately without taking into account the fact that these areas greatly impact each other.

When you are healthy, they work together like a symphony in perfect harmony. But when one of these systems is off-balance, the whole symphony is out of tune! When you need a “tune-up” so to speak, not only do you need to look at areas that aren’t working right but also be sure everything is balanced with the rest of your body.

Sadly, most people receive medications to treat symptoms associated with a body part that “isn’t working” when in reality, it’s a systemic issue that needs to be treated in a completely different way.

At our practice, we follow a more modern “functional medicine” approach that does advanced testing, addresses your body, and uses up-to-date nutritional science to help you rebalance and finally heal. 

This in-depth approach is the only successful way to heal from chronic illness because most chronic illnesses has many causes.

Instead of simply managing different symptoms across separate areas, functional medicine seeks to address the underlying root cause – while looking at lifestyle factors such as diet, environment, emotional health, and mindset that usually brings on the illness clients are seeking to heal.

Success Stories …

Our Programs

Dr. Angela’s team strives to provide you with the most effective and medically advanced techniques available. We are here for you… to help you finally reach your desired health goals.

When we speak over the phone, we’ll assess whether this program is right for you… and answer any questions you may have. Simply pick a time and date that works best for you!


75-90 Minute Consultation to review past labs, hear your story, and craft a personalized Strategic Action Plan.
$ 395
  • Thorough review of past labs & comprehensive medical intake
  • Explore current health goals and challenges
  • Determine need for comprehensive blood work & advanced lab testing to identify underlying causes
  • Craft a personalized Strategic Action Plan


A 3-month comprehensive program to determine the underlying causes of your chronic symptoms and create your roadmap to reach your goals.
$ 1650 OR $600/month x 3 months
  • Includes 3-60 minute consultations
  • Comprehensive blood work evaluation & interpretation using optimal reference ranges
  • Advanced lab testing (additional cost)
  • Personalized lab interpretation videos
  • Direct messaging with Dr. Angela through secure portal
  • Personalized Strategic Plan and Protocol
  • 15% discount on recommended medical quality Nutraceuticals (additional cost)


Monthly consultations to support your long term healing from chronic symptoms so that you can finally heal and thrive.
$ 300 Monthly
  • Includes monthly 45-minute consultations
  • Ongoing comprehensive blood work evaluation as needed
  • Ongoing advanced lab testing as needed (additional cost)
  • Direct messaging with Dr. Angela through secure portal
  • Personalized Strategic Plan and Protocol
  • 15% discount on recommended medical quality Nutraceuticals (additional cost)

Frequently Asked Questions

Our holistic Naturopathic approach determines HOW and WHY a disease develops and attempts to restore health by addressing the ROOT CAUSES for each individual. 

Dr. Angela starts by spending a minimum of 60 minutes connecting with you to discuss your medical history and symptoms. She is interested in your WHOLE health history so that she is able to identify the underlying areas of dysfunction and imbalances that need to be corrected. 

Conventional medicine aims to identify a specific pathology and label your symptoms as a diagnosis in order to justify a prescription or procedure. Her Holistic Naturopathic approach focuses on the upstream causes for your symptoms and then uses natural medicines and lifestyle shifts to decrease inflammatory influences in your body. 

Her goal is to significantly improve your quality of life, decrease your reliance on prescription medications, and teach you what you need to do to remain as healthy as possible. 

If you’re tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor without ever getting to the root of your chronic health issues, and if you want to optimize your health holistically through sound lifestyle modifications, advanced lab testing and mind-body techniques without unnecessary medications, then our program may just be what you’ve been looking for all along. Just know that it takes a serious commitment to make the lifestyle changes necessary to experience longterm transformation.

Excited to get started?! Excellent! Motivation is essential for success in any Holistic Naturopathic plan. Dr. Angela’s style of teaching and delivery of care may not be a good fit for some people. 

This is why she requests a 30-minute Strategy Call before enrolling you as a one-on-one client. 

Please CLICK HERE to complete an application for a Strategy Call. 

Ahead of the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so that we can properly review your history and lab results ahead of your appointment. During the appointment, we will together review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests – as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific condition, so we can create a personalized protocol.

We will also discuss your option to enroll in the Health Discovery Program for ongoing care with Dr. Angela to further evaluate the root causes of your symptoms. 

Ahead of the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so that we can properly review your history and lab results ahead of your appointment. During the appointment, we will together review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests – as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific diagnosis, so we can create a personalized treatment protocol.

We will also discuss your option to enroll in the Health Discovery Program for ongoing care with Dr. Angela to further evaluate the root causes of your symptoms. 

Dr. Angela has limited office hours for in-person appointments. She is currently offering a combination of in-person and online video conference appointments. 

Yes, Dr. Angela is available via messaging in a secure portal between your consultations on Tuesday-Thursday 10am-3pm. 

Yes, Dr. Angela works with clients outside of Nevada. She is able to provide long distance online video consultations.

We offer 3-phases of care to support you on your health journey. 


PHASE 2 – HEALTH DISCOVERY PROGRAM: $1650 (paid in full) or 3-monthly payments of $600


  • Yes. Dr. Angela is not able to be your primary care provider.
  • We do not provide acute or urgent care services and we do not replace the services that your current medical team provides.
  • We do not have a 24-hour answering service and do not take calls on weekends. If you need to be seen urgently or have a medical emergency you would need to visit an ER or urgent care center.
  • We offer comprehensive Naturopathic Holistic care that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, prevention, and long term health transformation.
  • Unfortunately, we are NOT able to credential with any insurance companies.
  • We are NOT able to bill any insurance company, including Medicaid and Medicare for our services. We are unable to submit a medical claim to insurance and are unable to assist you with claim resolution for our services.
  • We are unable to provide you with a super bill or billing summary that includes diagnosis codes. 
  • You may be able to use your HSA account for payment if a diagnosis code is not required. 


  • All fees for services provided by Dr. Angela are collected at the time of scheduling. 

You may be able to use your HSA account for payment if a diagnosis code is not required. 

We cannot accept payment with FSA. 

Yes, Dr. Angela is able to order blood work for you, similar to any medical professional. 

She will review any records you provide which help guide her personalized  recommendations that are specific to your unique circumstances.

Dr. Angela is very thorough, unlike conventional doctors that don’t go deep enough with their lab evaluation. She uses optimal reference ranges when appropriate, rather than conventional ranges which are designed to diagnose disease not to be healthy. This helps determine underlying causes BEFORE a disease state develops. 

Much of the bloodwork that Dr. Angela recommends may not be viewed as “medically necessary” by your insurance company. It is for this reason that she has negotiated very low cash prices for some labs, so that you avoid very large bills several months later. She also advocates using your insurance when appropriate and coverage will depend on your insurance company’s contract with the lab. Dr. Angela strives to provide you with the most cost effective strategy.

For those with insurance, most standard blood work will be billed directly to your insurance by the lab.

You will have your blood drawn at your in-network lab if you have insurance or at Quest if you don’t have insurance.

You may also have the option to have your blood drawn in the comfort of your home or office with a mobile phlebotomist who will come to you for an additional charge. 

You may also have lab work done through your PCP, although it is likely not necessary.

If you have Medicare or Medicaid, Dr. Angela is NOT able to order any blood work. You will need to bring her recommendations to your provider or choose to pay out of pocket.

Dr. Angela most commonly recommends deeper Functional Medicine specialty labs to identify the underlying root causes and obstacles to you getting better.

The specific tests ordered will be personalized to you based on your initial evaluation with Dr. Angela and may include blood saliva urine or stool testing.

Some are done at home with a kit and clear instructions she provides you. Others are done using a mobile phlebotomist that can meet you at your home or office. 

On average, we recommend you budget between $500-$1000 for functional lab tests. 

We will make every effort to make you fully aware of any additional lab fees that may be incurred and to give you the opportunity to choose which lab tests you feel comfortable paying for.

You are under no obligation to purchase any specialty testing. 

Functional lab testing has extremely limited covered if any by insurance. Dr. Angela will discuss with you each test individually so that you can make the best payment decision. 

Labs and supplements are not included and are an additional investment to any consultation, program, or membership fees. 

We provide low cost cash prices for comprehensive blood work and pass our wholesale discounts to you. 

Supplements are provided with a VIP discount through our online retailers. 

Take The First Step On Your

Journey Back To Health

Do you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client? Set up a free 30-minute Strategy Call with Dr. Angela Carlson, ND to explore your case, no obligation.

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