About Dr. Angela Carlson, ND - Naturopathic Doctor In Las Vegas

About Dr. Angela Carlson, ND

Unlike conventional medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and prescription, Dr. Angela Carlson takes a much more holistic Naturopathic approach. By discoverying the real reasons that you feel “off”, which are not always obvious, she creates a personalized transformational healing plan just for you. 

Our Core Values Of Care

A Holistic Approach

Unlike conventional medical care, Dr. Angela helps her clients to understand the biological and lifestyle factors that are contributing to their chronic symptoms. She guides them through the pitfalls that created their illness in the first place and easy ways to rebalance so that they can heal, naturally. No matter where you are right now... with her expert guidance you can heal and lead a vibrant life!

In her guided, step-by-step strategy to help you heal, you will experience a more comprehensive holistic approach to your wellness. She draws from the most up-to-date nutritional science and lifestyle medicine, to significantly improve your health and alleviate symptoms.

Dedicated Attention

In your typical 7-minute doctor's visit, there is little time to understand the depth of your illness or even begin to understand why you are experiencing many of your chronic symptoms... let alone the contributing factors that may have caused it.

During your in-depth intake consultation, Dr. Angela takes the time needed, one-on-one, to conduct a thorough review to understand all the potential triggers for your illness. This review includes your past medical history, your past and present diet, environment, stress levels, as well as hormone balance and gut health.

Personalized Care

Not only is each client biologically unique, but their illness is unique too. There are so many factors that may be to blame for your illness – from lifestyle choices, food choices, allergies and even toxins in your immediate environment, along with imbalances that are not always obvious that can be revealed through advanced testing.

After your intake, Dr. Angela conducts further specialty lab tests (that your current doctor may not even know about). Plus, we will identify the specific triggers that may be throwing your body off balance, such as dietary triggers, lifestyle factors and even environmental toxins that can be blocking healing.

Innovative Approach

Did you know that it takes on average 17 years for clinical breakthroughs to make their way into your conventional doctor's office?
That means many conventional health care practitioners do not know about the gut health and hormonal factors that are typically at play with your chronic symptoms or in developing an autoimmune condition. Chances are they are not even aware of the proper testing that could make all the difference in your healing plan.
Dr. Angela is trained in up-to-date medicine – including the best, most advanced testing. She pairs your testing results with current nutritional science so that you can finally achieve your health goals .

Root Cause Resolution

Unlike conventionally-trained doctors, Dr. Angela focuses on getting to the root causes of your illness and giving you those "aha moments" of why you haven't been feeling yourself. She also reviews with you, your key imbalances responsible for virtually all symptoms you’re experiencing right now and how to rebalance, naturally.

Also known as Functional Medicine, our care is so effective because we focus on dealing with the "up-stream" catalyst of chronic illnesses – including toxicity in your home or work-place, potential food intolerances and allergies, gut & hormonal imbalances, along with mindset issues that all determine how healthy you are to date.

Co-Creating Health

Changing your lifestyle may seem daunting, but Dr. Angela will teach you how to use mindset tools to overcome stubborn habits and nutrition changes that will make all the difference in how you look and feel. She will show you how rewarding and fun getting healthy can be. She has a wide range of tools in place to support you during your health transformation and beyond.
She also has options for health coaching and other forms of support and accountability so your new healing lifestyle practices can become an integral part of your everyday life. She also harnesses the support of online communities to give you support remotely, as you make important changes that translate into lasting health.

Meet Dr. Angela Carlson

Can you imagine a life where you feel great every day? While this may seem unattainable right now, many of Dr. Angela’s clients have had a similar health journey and have overcome their own wellness challenges through a Holistic, Naturopathic Approach. .

Dr. Angela’s mission is to help her clients rebalance and heal so they can finally feel better and enjoy their best life possible!

I can't believe how Dr. Angela spends real time figuring out health concerns. She is the real deal, based on her medical degrees and years in practice. What a difference when medications can be minimized, reducing side effects. I'm sold on Dr. Angela.

I have an Autoimmune condition that decreased my quality of life so much so that I wasn't able to function normally. I went to many specialists and was prescribed more medications than I could count. Nothing worked. One year ago, Dr. Angela suggested changes to my diet and the results were immediate. I can finally function like a normal human again! I have been consistently well ever since. I highly recommend Dr. Angela to anyone who is interested in feeling better.

Dr. Angela truly cares about you as a whole person. She doesn't just treat your symptoms, she looks at how to fix the root of the problem. I have thoroughly enjoyed being in her care and am excited to see the results of tweaks we have made in my life.

Take The First Step On Your

Journey Back To Health

Do you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client? Apply for a complimentary 15 minute Strategy Call with Dr. Angela Carlson, ND to see if functional medicine is helpful for your case.

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